But I Don’t Have Land!

Are you drooling over homesteading and gardening themed instagram posts and YouTube channels, dreaming of living the farm life, away from the hustle and bustle of the world but it’s just not in the cards right now? There’s no need to hold off on the dream. There are things you can do right now, in your current situation, that can help you become more self sufficient and start to take charge of your own food freedom.  If you are serious about wanting to be connected to your food source and provide food security to your family, you may need to get creative. Every homestead isn’t the same and practically none of them “do it all.” The homesteading community is… about COMMUNITY. Don’t get wrapped up in the idea that you have to do all of the things. Just because you don’t have 100 acres, doesn’t mean you can’t make some grand leaps toward achieving your goals and working with others to make things happen!

Below is a list of different ways you can incorporate outside sources in achieving your dreams of providing fresh, homegrown, healthy, local food and other products to your family.  


Community Supported Agriculture is an amazing way the community comes together to support a local farmer.  The community comes together before the growing season starts for the year with upfront payment to the farmer. This allows the farmer to run his/her farm for the year. In return, you go and pick up a box of goodies every week. We have been apart of CSAs in the past and it is an amazing supplement to your garden, especially if your garden is small. With a CSA, you often get incredible amounts of produce, eggs etc. that would retail for more than you paid. Many provide weekly recipes and suggestions as well as pick-your-own opportunities not available to the public. One of our favorite CSAs we have done in the past provided hundreds, if not close to a thousands dollars more worth of produce than the share originally cost. This is incredible! Buy a full share and get to preserving, spilt with a friend or buy a half share for a smaller family. 

This is an example of a weekly box from a CSA. Check out the bottom left for the total $ info. That CSA share originally cost $800 up front and the total value of goods distributed that year was 1,934.50!

Using land owned by someone else.

If you’ve reached the limitations of your current space, look next door. Do you have a neighbor willing to let you use their space? A friend or relative close by who would be ok with you planting or raising something on their land? Bees are a good one for this. They don’t need daily attention from you so having them “down the road” isn’t the daily inconvenience that other livestock would bring. It is somewhat of an inconvenience to hop in a vehicle and go check on your crops or animals. That being said.. We make time for what is important enough to us. If it’s not, we make excuses. Read that again. 
Farmers do this all the time. Many farmers in America rent land to do their farming. You may get lucky and be able to find free land to use but if not bartering is a good option. Are you keeping bees on their land? Offer a specific amount of honey to them per year and possibly wax products like candles etc. Do you have a fruit tree or garden planted there? Offering them a portion of that may keep everyone happy. Possibly offering a service to them such as taking over mowing their lawn in exchange for using their land. Renting land is a valid possibility. Get creative! 

These jalapeños are grown on my neighbors property. This gives me more room in my garden to grow other things.

Cow share/pig shares and milk shares

I see more and more of this and I simply love it. This is a similar concept as the CSA. The farmer gets up front payment (or sometimes a deposit or monthly payment) ensuring him/her that their product will be sold and allows them to focus on farming. Often you can buy a whole animal, half, or quarter of an animal. With milk shares, you pay a certain amount for a weekly pickup. Raw milk is not legal in many areas and this is one way that people get around it. It is legal for you to drink raw milk from your own animal so in owning a share, you own part of that animal. Not all homesteaders can have large livestock and this is a wonderful way for communities to help take care of each other. By participating in this you help your local community, your local economy and are able to provide your family with farm fresh, healthy, local food! 

Local Farm Markets and Local Farms

If you are unable to have a large garden, orchard, bees, or livestock, and you aren’t shopping from your local farms and farm markets, you are seriously missing the boat! I’m going to say the word COMMUNITY again! Catching the theme?! Relying solely on mono-crops shipped all over the world to grocery store chains by faceless farmers is not good for the land and it’s not good for community. It’s not great for the local economy. It is what it is, we don’t live in a perfect world and we love our farmers for feeding America but if you aren’t supporting your local agriculture, you need to! It is important to eat fresh, in season produce and locally raised meat and eggs, where you can meet the farmer and shake hands with the very person raising your food. People were meant to work together. 

Community Gardens

Community gardens are all over the world and are a great way for people, especially in more urban areas, to come together and grow food. At a community garden, you will rent a space that is yours to grow in. There are typically volunteer days to maintain the grounds and manage mulching paths and compost etc. They often have community outreach days and fundraisers as well. Again.. community. Connect with your food and your community.  Find your local community garden and see how you can get involved. Can’t find one? Start one. Don’t wait for someone to do the work for you! 

Purchasing Land 

Maybe you’re happy where you live but wish it had more land. Consider buying land close by. If you’re willing to hop in the car and go, you can raise and grow all your food down the road. 

But I’m not done talking about your own current situation. You may think your space is too small. You may think your home isn’t cut out for providing food to your family but I would like to challenge you to dig deep and be honest with yourself. Your current situation is likely capable of more than you are giving it credit for. When I lived in Hawaii, I noticed how small everyones property was. So many apartments and homes with small yards. Their balconies were overflowing with plants. Many of them were edible some even had cages with quail or rabbits. You don’t need a huge plot of land to grow your own food! Balcony gardens can still rock. Look into hydroponics indoors and micro greens!
Have an HOA? Quail could be the answer. Go to Pinterest and look for ideas on how to “hide” veggie plants in your landscaping if your HOA prohibits vegetable gardens (and then petition your neighbors to help change that ridiculous policy). Also, many medicinal herbs are beautiful and would fit in those flower beds nicely. 

Someone recently gave me some advice.

 He told me to make a list of everything I would love to do. Everything, no matter how unachievable I thought it might be. Just write it all down. Then make two categories. The first one is things that I can immediately do without having to ruffle my life too much. An example for me might be micro greens. I have room here for that. I cold do that. Just a little money to set up and it could be done. Then in the next category you put the things that you would really have to work around some obstacles to achieve. Instead of marking these things off the list because of the obstacles in the way, you go down the line and work out what it would take to make each of those things happen. Not everything on your list is going to come to fruition. You have to prioritize. 

If your dream is to build a life where you are as self sufficient as you can be, where you are connected to your food source, and where community comes together to provide sustainable, healthy, local food, then work out the kinks and make it happen. Find your niche and find your angle. It’s there if you work for it. I have a list a mile long and I am constantly evaluating and reevaluating what things my family is willing to do to make our dreams a reality. 

Happy Homesteading!